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About the Author

Sue Kientz   Sue Kientz began studying the astrological signs in 1977 as a way to learn more about symbolism in literature. Originally skeptical that astrology could have any value, after learning how to calculate charts, she was intrigued by the results.

Kientz has always included the large asteroids in her chart work, and sees the Dwarf Planets as the finishing touches astrology needs to show that Time has actual (and often very beautiful) patterns and features.

A technical writer with a B.A. in Theater from Adelphi University and an M.A. in English from University of New Orleans, Sue has lived in southern California since 1987. She created some of the first websites at UCLA in the early 1990s, and then worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for nine years on websites that delivered employee services. Most recently Sue has been employed at the California Institute of Technology in various documentation capacities since 2006.

Left to right, Pandora, Nova, Luna (mom), and Peanut In 1997 while at JPL, Kientz created a children's web-story about Mars Pathfinder called A Little Rock on Mars, which precipitated an avalanche of e-mail from kids and parents all over the world who adored Little Rock. She followed up with stories about the Galileo and Cassini missions. These now-primitive websites are still available at in both English and a host of other languages. They might seem old-hat in format now, but they are maintained in the hope that we don't lose the history of the web as it gets more sophisticated.

When not working on MORE PLUTOS, Sue is busy feeding goodies to dogs Luna, Pandora, Nova, and Peanut (waiting for treats at right), a well-behaved brood which she shares with boyfriend Ron in Pasadena, CA.

© 2014-2024 Sue Kientz

 JULY 12, 2024 

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