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Get the inside story about Dwarf Planet Makemake's dramatic conjunction with the Libra Solar Eclipse, at
Striking Eclipse Promises Outbursts Above and Beyond
by Sue Kientz, writing for the Astrology News Service

Read the blog post, then watch the free replay of Sue's talk for
The Coincidence Project's Speaker Series:

Astrology, the Persistent Synchronicity

Welcome, Pluto Lovers! This website seeks to introduce astrological professionals and students to the rather substantially-sized celestial objects in the Kuiper Belt that are mighty Dwarf Planet Pluto's neighbors. These planetoids are not small potatoes, even if some are slightly elongated, like a potato (continued below).

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Been busy with a new book,
but check recent
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and Published Articles

Past Posts
How Long-Lived is Progression?
Trump, COVID-19, and the Election
Trump Isn't Leaving Until
[Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Muellerlude/Part 4]
Trump cartoon frog glancing helplessly around Trump's Wild New Year
Helen Keller eyesIntro to Salacia
Osama Bin Luser eyesIntro to Makemake
Einstein eyes Einstein and LIGO
Terrorist eyes Can Astrologers Develop Time DNA?
Dalek eyes Doctor Who at 52

Hover cursor over images for fun extras

eLit Award, Silver badge, for book MORE PLUTOS, New Age/Mind-Body-Spirit categoryGET AN AUTOGRAPHED COPY of MORE PLUTOS. Sue Kientz will sign and personalize her award-winning book for you, and even include a print-out of your birth chart displaying your Dwarf Planet positions (chart only, no interpretation; see example). Cost: $45 plus $9.85 U.S. priority mail shipping. Pay via PayPal (put your birth date/time/place in PayPal's "Special Instructions"), or e-mail for alternate method. Supply is limited; U.S. delivery only.

Eris: Antidote to Pluto
reviews the various meanings assigned to Eris
and suggests how we might settle its interpretation
once and for all

More Plutos reviewed by
Astrological Journal
Astrology News Service
Dell Horoscopes
The Mountain Astrologer
NCGR Research Journal 2022

Why proclaim them MORE PLUTOS? This happy refrain is in homage to the thousands of astrologers all over the world who, when they heard that the International Astronomical Union declared Pluto no longer a "real" planet in 2006, went about their business unperturbed. However, these same diligent astrologers might not appreciate that just as they value Pluto's essential usefulness in their charts, they should know that there are MORE such objects, that's right, MORE invaluable, indispensable worlds just like their best buddy PLUTO!

If you are an astrologer who has a clientele, or you are a serious student of astrology, you need to check out these fantastic Kuiper Objects. Don't be fooled by the astronomical community's seeming dismissal of them as too small to be significant. The Dwarf Planets covered in MORE PLUTOS are all larger than any asteroid (considering Ceres is now classed a Dwarf Planet), except for one that is small but unusually bright. Every one of them is larger than Chiron, and how many astrologers use Chiron? Quite a lot.

That said, I appreciate any skepticism and so recommend you preview a few chapters of MORE PLUTOS that have appeared in several highly respected astrology publications:

Eris Chapter, as published in the Astrological Journal's Sept./Oct. 2014 issue
Eris is very close to Pluto's size, making them a pair just like Jupiter/Saturn and Uranus/Neptune. And like those other pairings, Eris is the antidote for Pluto, not some Warrior Princess which would make it more like a female Pluto. Eris is Other, the experience of those alien to us, and brings the possibility of understanding and working with Others rather than demonizing those who are different. If Pluto seeks power and control, Eris strives for reconcilation and decentralizing of power.
Makemake Chapter, as published in the Astrological Journal's Nov./Dec. 2014 issue
Third-largest body in the Kuiper Belt, Makemake's emphasis in a chart can indicate electrifying genius or shocking criminal tendencies. Think of Makemake as a super-Uranus, and read how it explains unique personalities like Dali, Edison, Mozart, Benjamin Franklin, and many others.
Sedna Chapter, as excerpted in The Mountain Astrologer's Feb./March 2015 issue
Sedna is our solar system's slowest planetoid, and appears to combine the natures of Saturn and Neptune. When Sedna is present in birthcharts or transits, expect determined and even obsessive behavior for good or ill.

The book MORE PLUTOS, available on Amazon and other online booksellers (see list and links above right), is a comprehensive guide that covers the above mentioned Dwarfs as well as Haumea, Gonggong (2007 OR10), Quaoar, Orcus, Varuna, Ixion, 2002 AW197, and 2002 TX300. Each object's meaning is defined using examples from both history and the recent news, including various historical figures and events spanning over 2,000 years. MORE PLUTOS covers events as recent as the Germanwings 9525 tragedy, all the way back to the reign of King Tutankhamun, which began in 1332 BCE.

Guaranteed to be both informative and entertaining, MORE PLUTOS just might revolutionize your astrological chart work if not your entire perspective. Why? Because this book will show that the Dwarf Planets not only enable the most elegant window into Time ever, but they will help astrologers construct a damn good theory of why astrology works, and how. Not since Wegener needed to know about oozing sub-sea magma has any group of dedicated professionals desperately needed a foundation on which to stand.

Follow @moreplutos on Twitter
Visit More Plutos on Facebook

    BONUS! Did you know there are cousins of Pluto in the Asteroid Belt? The second-largest asteroid, Vesta, has been considered a Dwarf Planet candidate, and is quite a useful little workhorse. See Tidy Vesta Can Warn Us of Messy Disasters, which appeared in the Journal of Research of the American Federation of Astrologers, vol. 15 (April 2015).

Banner illustration by Sue Kientz using images of mineral globes. No close-up images of any Kuiper Objects yet exist,
except for New Horizons' images of Pluto!

© 2014-2024 Sue Kientz

 JULY 12, 2024 



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Nothing right now,
enjoy your summer!


Free Replay of talk on
Astrology, the Persistent Synchronicity


The Coincidence Project's Speaker Series
Read the intro


Sue w/Lianne McCafferty:
Aries Ingress 2024: Trans Neptunian Dwarf Planet Special

Podcast on March 10, 2024,

View YouTube video

Sue co-hosted with
Lianne McCafferty
(Postcast backstory)


Sue w/Lianne McCafferty:
DWARF PLANETS: Go on.....Dive In!

Podcast on January 5, 2024,

View YouTube video

Sue co-hosted with
Lianne McCafferty
(Postcast backstory)


Sue co-hosted a
Coincidence Café: Signs, Symbols and Patterns of Synchronicity

on Sept. 16, 2023,

View the free YouTube replay

Sponsored by
The Coincidence Project


Buy the zoom replay of
"Eris, Pluto's Antidote and Guide to a Friendlier Future"

as presented to
NCGR-San Francisco
and recorded by
Sun Recording Service

on May 20, 2023

Talk and recording details


Sue speaks about new book MORE PLUTOS
(Pt. 1) | (Pt. 2)

Vroman Bookstore's
Local Author Signing event

Pasadena, CA
August 30, 2015


Sue presents Pluto images from New Horizons and her astrological findings on Haumea, Makemake, and Eris
Unveiling Pluto and the other Trans-Neptunian Planets
Dharma Center Bookstore

Whittier, CA
July 24, 2015

Email MorePlutos


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(PDF; 2.0MB)


NCGR Research Journal 2022

(PDF of print page, 718K)

Dell Horoscopes

(PDF of print page, 658K)
Astrological Journal
(PDF of print page, 3.5MB)
Mountain Astrologer
Astrology News Service

Pluto & Haumea
(PDF; 1MB)

(PDF; 2.2MB)


More Plutos

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